Shan, Darren. Zom-B. 2012, 217 p. ISBN 978-031-621-4407. Available on the library shelves at FIC SHA, as an eBook and as an audiobook, both available from Overdrive.

When a zombie attack is reported in a tiny village of Ireland, B’s father thinks that it’s a blessing. He’s a racist, homophobic fascist who believes that England should only belong to white people. B shares the same ideas, but only because that’s what dad believes. Dad also likes to get drunk and beat his wife and B in the process when they disagree with him, so B has learned long ago to just go with it and not make waves at home.
B takes to school the attitudes found at home. B bullies those that are different, steals from stores, fails at school and is proud of the Fs earned by doing nothing in class. But when zombies show up at B’s school, B has some decisions to make. As the body count grows and all means of escape are blocked, B and the little group of friends who have so far survived find themselves in a race against time to find an exit before they are devoured by zombies or worse, turned into them.
This book an amazing read. B’s like is already like that of a zombie, devoid of thought before actions, and slave to what others think. I didn’t expect much from it, but the action is prevalent throughout the book, and B is such a lovable and despicable character all mixed in that it made for great reading. As the 1st in a 12 book series, Zom-B promises much and delivers even more!
Other titles in this series include Zom-B Underground, Zom-B City, Zom-B Angels, Zom-B Baby, Zom-B Gladiator, Zom-B Mission, Zom-B Clan, and Zom-B Family. This is a great action series for those who are not faint of heart!
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