Dougherty, Martin. Modern Weapons Compared and Contrasted: Small Arms. 2013. 48p. ISBN 978-1-44889245-7. 623.44 on the library shelves.

During war and police actions, combat frequently devolves into people shooting at each other from a short distance. Heavy weapons such as tanks and jets are useless in these situations, and small firearms are essential for survival. For the most part, he who fires the most amount of bullets in the shortest amount of time is likely to be the survivor of an engagement, but there are times where precision matters more than the volume of bullets released.
In this book, Dougherty compares and contrasts several types of small arms, from side arms to assault rifles to sniper rifles. Similar weapons are explored and presented in a graphic form, discussing elements such as effective range, angle and rate of fire, weapon caliber, speed, reloading time and weight.
Fans of military hardware will appreciate the details provided by the author, especially the comparison between similar guns carried by infantry forces throughout the world.
Anyone with a fascination for military power will enjoy this quick and succinct read into one of the most powerful military arms a nation can deploy. Other books on the subject that can be enjoyed also include the Modern Weapons Compared and Contrasted series (Aircraft, Armored Fighting Vehicles; Artillery and Missiles; Naval Vessels; and Small Arms) as well as Warships Inside and Out, The History of Navies Around the World, The History of Marines Around the World, and The History of Armies Around the World.
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