Friday, March 9, 2018


Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. 2005. 210p. 138 mins. ISBN 0-300-10654-8 . Available at 822.3 SHA on the library shelves and as an audiobook on Overdrive.

Following their great victory over the forces of Norway and Ireland, general Macbeth and his friend Banquo travel through woods when they are confronted by three witches. These witches predict that Macbeth will become King of Scotland, while Banquo will not reach as high yet will be much happier, and his own son will be royalty. Macbeth doubts the witches’ pronouncement, yet when he is proclaimed Thain by King Duncan as a reward for valor in the recent war, he realizes that the witches’ prediction will come true. Not content to wait for the crown, Macbeth conspires with his wife, Lady Macbeth, to kill King Duncan and seize the throne.

Now worried about his own fragile position, Macbeth turns on Banquo and slays his friend. Banquo returns and haunts Macbeth, causing him to lose face in front of his lords and nobles. Meeting with the witches once more, Macbeth is goaded into eliminating yet more enemies, killing entire castles in the hope of securing his throne. Those who survive regroup and launch an assault on Scotland with a multinational force. In an ultimate confrontation, Macbeth is killed and beheaded, while Lady Macbeth commits suicide.

Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy, Macbeth illustrates the perils that naked ambition generates in the hearts of men. A classic of Western literature, Macbeth continues to be read and studied for the lessons that it imparts.

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