Thursday, June 18, 2015

After the Fall

Roberts, Victoria. After the Fall. 2013. 184p. ISBN 978-0-393-07355-3. Available at FIC ROB on the library shelves.

Alan and his sister Alex have very eccentric parents. Pops is a genius who made his money inventing devices he imagined while watching cooking shows or taking a bath. Mom is an Argentinian socialite who likes to spend time in her own world. Pops hasn't gotten out of his bathrobe in years. Alan and Alex attend the lycée francais in New York City, and they live in a penthouse near Central Park.

Coming back from school one day, Alan discovers that the family is being evicted. Helped by their nanny and cook, they move to Central Park and their entire household is rearranged to take the shape of a section of the park. At first, this is very interesting, but as the weather gets colder the strains of living outside begins to take a toll, and the family threatens to fall apart. It will be up to Alan and Alex to save their parents from themselves.

This book is beautifully illustrated and the drawings add to the storyline. It's a lovely story where creativity can literally save a family from itself.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Life During the Black Death

Dunn, John. Life During the Black Death. 2000. 96p. ISBN 1-56006-542-7. Available at 614.5 DUN on the library shelves.

Plagues and pestilences have inflicted death and destruction on humans since the dawn of time. The decade between 1347 and 1357, however, saw a plague like no other in history. Spread by fleas, this deadly disease first appeared in Asia, but then gradually reached the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean before arriving in Italy through Genoese sailors. From there, it covered the rest of Europe until no country was spared.

At its height, thousands of people died everyday. By the time the Black Death, as the plague became known, finished, more than 40% of the population of Europe had succumbed to this deadly disease. The Black Death had a significant impact on European history. For the first time since the Roman empire peasants controlled some of the means of production, and could claim both higher wages and a higher standard of living. There was now plenty of land for the taking, and freedom allowed them to move to better places. The Catholic Church was undermined, as was royal authority. It took over two hundred years for the population to reach its pre-Black Death level.

Drawing on original research and sources from the time period, this book presents the history of the Black Death. It also discusses life in the time period, the medicine that was being practiced at the time, and how well (or poorly) organized religion dealt with this disease. The consequences on the economies and the borders of states are also presented. For a shorter book on the topic, you can consult The Black Death. To understand how germs such as those who caused the Black Death can be used as weapons, look at Germ Warfare.

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Scorpio Races

Stiefvater, Maggie. The Scorpio Races. 2011. 409p. ISBN 978-0-545-22490-1. Available at FIC STI on the library shelves.

Every year on the first day of November, the Scorpio Race takes place. Thisby Island’s best riders compete against each other with the best horses to win the race and the purse that’s attached to it. Most riders ride the fabled capail uisce, the fearsome water horses. Carnivorous and temperamental beasts, they hail from the Scorpio sea and are notorious for their foul mood and their deadly anger. Caught, stabled, and trained, most capail uisce are still bold enough to make for the water during the race, sometimes trampling and killing their riders.

Sean Kendrick has worked as a stableboy then as a trainer for Malvern stables. The stables are owned by Benjamin Malvern, the richest horse master on the island. People come from as far away as America to purchase a Malvern horse. The pride of the stable is the red uisce, Corr. Sean has ridden Corr in the races four times, and each time he has come in first. This year, he expects this will be no exception. Unfortunately, his life soon collides with Puck Connolly.

Katherine Connolly, or Puck to her friends, has always ridden. When her parents died on a fishing trip, victims or the capail uisce, she was left orphaned with her brothers Gabe and Finn. As the November race draws near, Gabe announces he will be leaving the island like so many other young people to work on the mainland. And the house is about to be seized by Benjamin Malvern, the landlord, for nonpayment of rent. Puck decides that the only way to save the family homestead is by competing in the Scorpio Race, and win.

But to do so her small mare Dove will need more training than she’s getting, and better food than what she’s been eating. Puck’s entrance in the race is about to throw into disarray the tradition that only male riders have been in the Scorpio Race. As Sean begins to help her, Puck realizes that winning the race may solidify her dream of remaining on the island, but it may cost Sean everything...

Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Maze Me: Poems for Girls

Nye, Naomi Shihab. A Maze Me: Poems for Girls. 2005. 128p. ISBN 9780060581893. Available at 811 NYE on the library shelves.

A short book of poetry, A Maze Me presents poems on such varied topics as family and friends, different places, animals, life in general, and, of course, boys. The poems present the familiar with humor and discernment, communicating universal truths about life.

Fans of poetry will enjoy the lyricism that Nye imbues in all of her poems.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place

Berry, Julie. The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place. 2014. 353p. ISBN 978-1-59643-956-6. Available at FIC BER on the library shelves.

Seven young female students reside at Mrs. Plackett’s St. Etheldreda's School for Girls, an austere and dreary place. The girls have been sent here by their families more as exile than as care for their education. Dear Roberta Pratley is at school because her stepmother does not like her. Disgraceful Mary Jane Marshall’s mother worries that her daughter will elope and throw her lot with a penniless lad. Dull Martha Boyle is simply not very smart. Stout Alice Brooks is rather big and could pass for an older person, which will come in handy in this tale. Smooth Kitty Heaton ‘s father is a prosperous businessman who has no son and no interest in teaching his daughter the family business, even though she would excel at it. Pocked Louise Dudley suffered from smallpox and wants to be a doctor. Finally, Dour Elinor Siever is fascinated with death.

When old Mrs. Plackett and her sleazy brother Mr. Godding both keel over and die during dinner Sunday nights, the girls are at a loss. Should they report the deaths, or should they celebrate their newfound independence? The girls decide on the latter course, and begin weaving an elaborate tale to hide to the rest of the world the fact that the school headmistress has passed on. Using their unique skills, the girls quickly realize that the two were poisoned, and that there is a murderer afoot. But why would someone want to kill Mrs. Plackett and Mr. Godding? What were they hiding? And, more importantly, now that Alice is acting as Mrs. Plackett, what can be done to protect her and the rest of the girls from the vengeful eye of the nameless murderer?

This book is well-crafted murder-mystery tale taking place in an interesting locale, a Victorian school house in 1890. You will love this book if you enjoyed The Witch of Blackbird Pond.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Diary of a Wimpy Kid #4: Dog Days

Kinney, Jeff. Diary of a Wimpy Kid #4: Dog Days. 2009. 218p. ISBN 978-0-8109-8391-5. Available at FIC KIN on the library shelves.

Having survived another year in middle school, and with summer now in full swing, Greg is worried that his lazy plans of sitting in front of the television and playing video games while eating junk food will be ruined by his mother who is bent on having the best summer ever, despite the dire state of the family budget.

Fortunately, Rowley’s father is a member of the country club, so Greg and his friend get to spend many days there, until the bill for all the drinks comes in at over $80. Greg and Rowley need to come up with money fast, so they decide to start a business. Meanwhile, Greg’s father finally gets the family a puppy. And though Greg has always been afraid of the naked people in the showers at the town pool, he’s planning on going every day so he can hang out with Heather Hollis, this gorgeous high schooler.

Greg’s summer is looking up, but only if he manages to survive the many disappointments he will inflict on his family and friends.

The story continues in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid #5: The Ugly Truth.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Jessica Darling’s It List 2: The (totally not) Guaranteed Guide to Friends, Foes, & Faux Friends

McCafferty, Megan. Jessica Darling’s It List 2: The (totally not) Guaranteed Guide to Friends, Foes, & Faux Friends. 2014. 196p. ISBN 978-0-316-24504-3. Available at FIC MCC on the library shelves.

Jessica has finally gotten the hang of 7th grade. The transition from 6th to 7th grade was particularly difficult as she relates in Jessica Darling’s It List 1: The (totally not) Guaranteed Guide to Popularity, Prettiness & Perfection, but now she’s ready to rock the school and be one of the hot cool people. The problem is, Jessica has no clue how to get there. So when her way older and college-going sister Bethany offers Jessica another list from her own time at middle school, she cannot pass up this opportunity.

The list is simple, with only 5 elements, but as Jessica begins to implementing them she quickly realize that it’s hard work and not necessarily a guarantee of success. As her tight-knitted group of often friends and sometimes enemies careens towards Halloween, Jessica must adapt to the evolving relationships that surround them, survive her friends’ public displays of affection, and come through woodshop unscathed.

It’s a lot for a new middle schooler to take in, but Jessica must try, otherwise she will be left with nothing but an empty table.

You can also read Jessica’s tale as a senior in high school in Sloppy Firsts.

Friday, June 5, 2015


Condie, Ally. Crossed. Book 2 of the Matched series. 2011. 367p. ISBN 0-525-42365-6. Available at FIC CON on the library shelves.

Following her exile from her comfortable life in Matched, Cassia has only one plan in mind. She must reunite with Ky in the Outer Provinces. But so far all of her work assignments have kept her in the Border Provinces. On the night of yet another transfer, she is visited by Xander, who comes on their 5th month anniversary from the banquet. He tells her he still loves her, and part of Cassia is still attracted to the familiar.  But when she gets the chance that night to transfer to the Outer Provinces, she takes it and boards an airship with Indie, a girl she’s met in the work camp.

Ky, meanwhile, has been sent as a soldier decoy in a farming village in the Outer Provinces. His job, and that of the fellow decoys, is simple. He simply must survive as long as possible in border villages that are under constant attack by unknown assailants. Given the opportunity, he escapes towards the Carving, a series of canyons and mountain passes. But he does not go alone. Vick and Eli, two soldiers from his unit, accompany him on their impossible quest for freedom.

Immediately upon arriving in the border camps, Cassia meets a boy who has seen Ky. Given directions, she escapes with the boy and Indie towards the Carving, seeking both to reunite with Ky and join the Rising, the rebellion taking place against the Society. Devoted to Ky now, Cassia hopes to find Ky, but time is running out for both of them. What has the Society prepared for them in the canyons?

The story continues in Reached.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Cat vs Human

Surovec, Yasmine. Cat vs Human. 2011. 152p. ISBN 978-1-4494-0865-7. Available on the library shelves in the graphic novel section at GFX SUR.

This book takes an hilarious look at the many one-sided relationships people have with their cats. From fun and relaxing times with cats to the crazy cat lady struggling to keep it together, the stories all add up to undying devotion to our feline friends, even when it might be misplaced.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Classical Civilization: Rome

Nardo, Don. Classical Civilization: Rome. 2012. 128p. ISBN 978-1-5993-5174-2. Available on the library shelves at 937 NAN.

Rome occupies a mythical place in the history of Western Civilization. The heart of the Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire, Rome’s legacy is not only amazing monuments of marble and stone, but also a large body of literary, cultural and legal works. The Romans left us laws, forms of government, classical architecture, Latin and its offsprings the Romance languages, and its religion.

This concise book explores all of these topics in details. It provides a brief history of Ancient Rome, before presenting information on government and laws and its cities and urban life. Its precise and grandiose style of architecture is explored, and building techniques that were not exceeded until the 1800s are presented. Rome’s road network, which was not surpassed until railroads appeared in the 1820s, helped the Empire hold the various provinces under its dominion together and move its armies around quickly.

The rise of Latin and those that evolved from it, including French, Spanish, Italian, Portugese and Romanian is thoroughly discussed, while Roman literature which survived is also analyzed. Finally, the rise of Christianity and its adoption as the Empire’s only religion helped Latin and Roman customs survive well beyond the fall of the Western Empire in the 400s.

Rome’s history and accomplishments continue to fascinate, and this book helps provide an overview of the multifaceted importance of its legacy.

Nardo also wrote Games of Ancient Rome, a fascinating look at the violent and dangerous sports that entertained the ancient Romans.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blood of My Blood

Lyga, Barry. Blood of My Blood. Book 3 of the Jasper Dent series. 2014. 472p. ISBN 978-0-316-19870-7. Available at FIC LYG on the library shelves.

Lying in a pool of his own blood, Jazz awakens only to find himself still in Hat and Dog’s storage unit in Brooklyn (See Game). At the same time, Connie awakens to find herself in Billy Dent’s clutches, in a rundown apartment in the same neighborhood as Jazz. Finally, Howie also wakes up, only to discover he is at the hospital following his botched assault on Samantha, Jazz’s aunt.

The three teens, all in life-threatening situations, are all in their own way at the mercy of Billy Dent. Before leaving to retrieve Jazz from the storage unit, he ties Connie to a chair and locks her up in a bedroom. There she discovers that there is one other person locked with her: Janice Dent, Jazz’s mother. Together they manage to free Connie and she escapes just as Billy returns to the apartment.

Meanwhile, Billy finds Jazz and closes the bullet wound in his leg, before placing an anonymous 911 call so that the police can come and retrieve Jazz. He then goes to Hat’s house, where he kills him in a gruesome way for hurting his boy.

Howie finds out that Jazz’s grandmother survived, but she is quickly killed by a woman the police suspects was Samantha Dent.

Escaping from police custody, Jazz makes his way to Lobo Nod to confront Billy, who has hinted this is where he would go next. Connie, surviving a trip to the hospital, also returns to the Nod, where she is reunited with Howie.

Jazz gets the chance to confront the Dent killers, but this battle could cost him his life, or, worse, he could become the ultimate killer just as Dear Old Dad had predicted. In the final battle of this series, all bets are off and the Game is about to end...

Monday, June 1, 2015

Freshman: Tales of 9th Grades Obsessions, Revelations, and Other Nonsense

Mucha, Connie. Freshman: Tales of 9th Grades Obsessions, Revelations, and Other Nonsense. 2011. 110p. ISBN 978-0-9819733-6-4. Available at GFX MUC in the graphics section of the library shelves.

Annie and Ritchie are ready for their first day of freshman year at their high school. Chronicled in three seasons, this graphic novel examines the foibles and tribulations of a group of freshmen as they live out their year.

Annie meets Katrina in English class, and they become best friends. Beth, Annie’s best friend from middle school, has gone Goth and spends too much time with boys to even notice Annie. Ritchie joins the film club then the school newspaper. As they move through the year, their hearts get broken, they join other activities, they have emotional breakdowns, but their friends always manage to cheer them on.

An accurate life at the first year of high school in graphic format, this book will delight reluctant readers and middle schoolers alike.