Monday, February 29, 2016

Fullmetal Alchemist. Vol 3

Arakawa, Hiromu. Fullmetal Alchemist. Vol 3. 2002. 185p. ISBN 978-1-59116-925-3. Available in the graphic section of the library.

Following the battle with Scar that destroyed Edward’s automail arm and severely damaged Alphonse, the Elric brothers head back to their small village where their childhood friend and mechanic, Winry Rockbell, still lives. Accompanied by Major Armstrong, their bodyguard, they spend some time healing, while Armstrong hears their story from Grandma Pinako.

Once they are back in fighting order, they return to Central so they can hunt the secret of the Philosopher’s Stone. Unfortunately, Lust is also seeking this formula, and gets to the library first, burning it to the ground. Nevertheless, Edward eventually locates the formula thanks to a librarian, and discover the shocking secret of the Stone. It requires a human sacrifice.

With the state alchemists now concerned that there is a rogue element within them working in a secret laboratory, Edward and Alphonse promise to remain in their hotel room and not set out to investigate on their own. This promise is quickly broken, however, but once on the scene of the secret lab, the Elric brothers confront a threat they were not expecting...

The story continues in Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol 4.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 2

Arakawa, Hiromu. Fullmetal Alchemist. Vol 2. 2002. 185p. ISBN 978-1-59116-923-9. Available in the graphic section of the library.

Still searching for the alchemy secrets that will allow them to regain their bodies and bring back their mother, Edward and Alphonse are back in town when they meet Shou Tucker, the only alchemist to have created a talking chimera. Unfortunately, he used his wife and an animal to complete the creature, and, desperate, he does it again using his daughter and her faithful dog. Edward is angered by this and vows that Tucker will pay for his crime.

But Tucker will never meet justice, as Scar, an Ishbalan from the East who wields amazing powers of alchemy, kills him in the name of God. This leads to a confrontation between the military alchemists and Scar, where the Ishbalan barely escapes with his life. But with both Edward and Alphonse damaged in the fight, they must withdraw and meet their mechanic. The road to her village is long, however.

The story continues in Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. 3.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Blizzard of Glass

Walker, Sally M. Blizzard of Glass. 2011. 160p. ISBN 0805089454. Available at 971.6 WAL on the library shelves.

The massive war effort during the First World War meant that thousands of ships were needed to transport soldiers, horses, equipment, and munitions from North America to Europe. Atlantic harbors were very busy, and the presence of German submarines forced those harbors to take defensive measures and to keep ships protected within their confines.

Thus, it would have seemed absolutely normal for residents of Halifax to see  a large number of ships moving in and out of the harbor. But on December 6, 1917, one of those ships carried a full cargo of explosives, explosive powders, and explosive chemicals. Heavily laden, the Mont Blanc was entering the harbor when it collided with the Imo, a Belgian Relief ship carrying supplies and food to Europe. Fire ignited aboard the Mont Blanc, and knowing the ship lost, the crew fled. The drifting and burning ship hit a pier and, as people tried to put out the fire and as many onlookers watched, exploded, resulting in the largest man-made explosion until the atomic bomb.

The Richmond neighborhood was completely destroyed, and over 1,500 people were killed and 9,000 injured. All buildings within a twelve mile radius lost their windows, leading to, as a witness reported, “a blizzard of glass.” Rescue efforts ensued, but the next day another blizzard, this time of snow, dropped more than 12 inches of snow, hampering relief.

This book describes the disaster, from the ships and the crew involved to the heroic efforts at putting the fire and the deaths and reconstruction that resulted. Weaved through are the accounts of several survivors and how this explosion affected their lives.

For another example of man-made catastrophe, take a look at The Great Fire, the history of the Chicago fire of 1871 that destroyed most of the city.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Love is the Drug

Johnson, Alaya Dawn. Love is the Drug. 2014. 352p. ISBN 9780545417815. Available as an audiobook on Overdrive.

Emily Bird has the perfect life. An African-American, she attends a great private school, her parents are well off, and she has the best boyfriend. But not everything is at it seems. Emily’s mother controls every aspect of her life. Her boyfriend doesn’t really love her, nor does she him. Her parents are always involved in secretive work for the government. And there’s this boy, Coffee, who Emily finds herself attractive to even though he’s a drug dealer, white, and a foreigner from Brazil.

But when she wakes up in a hospital eight days after going to a party and doesn’t recall a thing, she knows something wrong has happened. All she remembers is mentioning a secret company name she once saw something to a man called Roosevelt David, who supposedly works for Homeland Security, and with whom her boyfriend Paul hopes to land an internship. She also recalls that Coffee sprinted after her when Paul took her away that night. The rest is emptiness.

At the same time, international events lead to a war between the United States and Venezuela, and a pandemic, supposedly released by bio-terrorists supported by the South American country, begins to kill thousands of Americans.

As the country falls under martial law and people die in droves, Emily is convinced that she knows something, that Roosevelt wiped her memory of that night to keep her quiet. With her world unravelling around her, Emily must become Bird, emanticipate herself from her mother, and discover the true about her and Coffee, and the secret she doesn’t remember that could bring down the largest conspiracy in the history of the United States.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Chopsticks: A Novel

Anthony, Jessica and Rodrigo Corral. Chopsticks: A Novel. 2012. 272p. ISBN 978-1-59514-435-5. Available at FIC ANT on the library shelves.

Raised as a piano prodigy by her single father, Gloria has travelled the world playing in the most prestigious concert halls. A rigorous schedule and her father’s overbearing presence has caused her to disappear. The story begins with Gloria’s disappearance and traces back her life over the last few years, when she meets Francisco and begins to question whether music should be all that there is in her life.

Told mainly in images, this is a fascinating way to tell a story without using words. Advertisements, excerpts from magazines, youtube videos, photos, drawings, all are used to convey the depth of Gloria and Francisco’s love.

If you enjoyed this book, you will like The Lucy Variations by Sara Zarr, which is also about a musical prodigy and her constrained life.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Fullmetal Alchemist. Vol 1

Arakawa, Hiromu. Fullmetal Alchemist. Vol 1. 2002. 180p. ISBN 978-1-59116-920-8. Available in the graphic section of the library.

Edward and Alphonse Elric possess a power only a few other individuals have. They are alchemists, able to manipulate and reshape matter. But both of them suffered immensely when they attempted to revive their mother. Edward lost an arm and a leg, and Alphonse lost his entire body. Now a walking suit of armor, Alphonse follows his older brother, who is himself equipped with an automail leg and arm.

As state alchemists, they work for the military, following orders when they must. But deep inside they are free agents, seeking the power of the Philosopher’s Stone so they can enhance their alchemist abilities and recover Alphonse’s missing body.

Travelling through an undescribed town, Edward and Alphonse hear a voice on the radio. It is that of a religious leader. When informed that he performs miracles, they investigate the matter and realize that Father Cornello is in fact an alchemist with plans of amassing a mindless army to do his bidding. Can the brothers stop this religious fraud before it’s too late?

The story continues in Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol 2.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Game of Lives

Dashner, James. The Game of Lives. Book 3 of the Mortality Doctrine trilogy. 2015. 336p. ISBN 978-0-385-74143-9. Available at FIC DAS on the library shelves.

Following the destruction of the VSN firewall in Rule of Thoughts, Michael and his friends Sarah and Bryson face new threats. More and more Tangents are using the Mortality Doctrine to take possession of human bodies, downloading into them while their users are imprisoned in a virtual reality universe. The Tangents have fractured, however, with those who oppose Kaine and those Kaine leads towards his ultimate goal of immortality. 

At the same time, Agent Weber’s plans of making VSN the world power and destroying all Tangents are coming to fruition. And now more than ever Michael doesn't know who he can trust, what is real and what isn't Armed with only code he can manipulate, can Michael stop both Weber and Kaine before it’s too late?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Tunnels of Blood

Shan, Darren. Tunnels of Blood. Book 3 of the Cirque du Freak Series. 2000. 224p. ISBN 978-0-316-60608-0. Available at FIC SHA on the library shelves.

When a vampire general brings unsettling news to Mr. Crepsley, Darren’s life changes for the worse. On the move again, Darren is thankfully joined by Evra Von, the Snake Boy, and they find lodging in a small hotel on a city square. Mr. Crepsley disappears for nights at a time, so the two boys are left alone to explore the city.

At first, Evra and Darren enjoy being outside and watching television. Evra had never before seen a television, much less a program on one, so the novelty is exciting. But as life becomes routine, Darren wants more. He meets Debbie, who also lives on the square, and suddenly the two of them are in love.

Eventually the boys decide to follow Mr. Crepsley to discover what he is up to. That’s when they encounter Murlough, a blood-thirsty vampanese who has been hunting humans in Crepsley’s city. And now, Darren and Evra become Murlough’s targets. Can they save themselves and their loved ones from the vampanese’s clutches?

The story continues in book 4, Vampire Mountain.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tips & Tricks for Comparing and Contrasting Texts

Athans, Sandra K. and Robin W. Parente. Tips & Tricks for Comparing and Contrasting Texts. 2015. 64p. ISBN 978-1477775431. Available at 428.4 ATH on the library shelves.

The implementation of the Common Core State Standards has altered the way in which language arts classes are conducted. The emphasis has now been placed on comparing and contrasting two texts at the same time, and using evidence from the texts themselves to demonstrate a successful analysis.

This book, written by two teachers, guides students through the process of examining two similar texts at the same time to derive meaning and understanding by drawing evidence directly from what is written. They provide techniques such as graphic organizers and charts to keep track of similarities and differences. Literature and informational texts are used as examples.

Monday, February 8, 2016


Croci, Pascal. Auschwitz. 2002. 88p. ISBN 0-8109-4831-1. Available at GFX CRO on the library shelves.

Kazik, Cessia and their daughters are Jews who arrive in Auschwitz. Quickly separated after getting off the train, Kazik’s only desire is to be reunited with his wife and child. An older prisoner takes him under his wing and shows him the tricks of surviving in the death camp. And when the occasion presents itself for working in the Death commandos, Kazik takes it, knowing that it is a death sentence. The commandos’ job is to dispose of the dead bodies, but they can travel from camp to camp, and Kazik hopes to find his family.

When he discovers his daughter under a mass of dead bodies in one of the gas chambers, Kazik is shocked that she is still alive. He manages to revive her, but then he must beg for her life with the local S.S. commander. The commander tells him he will see what he can do, but Kazik is never sure whether he followed through or not. He managed to escape a month later.

Cessia then picks up the story, and tells Kazik that their daughter in fact did survive the horrors, and was reunited with her mother, only to die of typhus two days before the camp was liberated.

Hauntingly beautiful, the graphic quality of this story displays in images the horror that words can never describe.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke

Blankman, Anna. Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke. Book 2 of the Prisoner of Night and Fog series. 2015. 406p. ISBN 9780062278845. Available both as an eBook on Overdrive and at FIC BLA on the library shelves.

Gretchen escaped Germany and the Nazi takeover of the country, but in the process alienated her uncle, Adolf Hitler. With Daniel Cohen, the love of her life, they settled in Oxford where he works as a social reported while she lives with a gentle English family and attends school. For Gretchen, life is great, but for Daniel, not so much. He longs for the days of hard reporting instead of socialite events.

When he gets a telegram informing him of a tragedy in his family, Daniel decides to go back to Germany, even though he is a wanted by the Nazis. He departs without telling Gretchen, leaving her a note where he professes his love. Then a newspaper article appears, linking Daniel to the murder of a prostitute.

Gretchen decides to follow him back to Germany, knowing that she will be in extreme danger. Returning to Munich, she discovers that the Nazis are cracking down on the free press, and reporters are being arrested. Has Daniel already been caught? Fortunately she finds him at the train station, heading to Berlin, and she joins him to investigate the murder so he can clear his name.

What ensues is a race against time as Hitler’s S.A. are slowly closing in on the lovers and the date of the Enabling Law debate furiously approaches. Will they be able to discover the grim truth behind Monika’s murder and the proof that would bring down the Nazi government once and for all?

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Walter Dean Myers

Hoover, Elizabeth. Walter Dean Myers. 2014. 96p. ISBN 978-1-4205-0859-8. Available at B MYE on the library shelves.

One of the most prolific young adult writers, Walter Dean Myers didn’t start out with the idea of writing. As a young boy, Myer’s father could not take care of him so he sent him to live with his first wife and her new husband. She was barely literate, but read to him every night from magazines, a habit he later picked up and continued. As an African-American youth, Myers was, as he said, “a demographic disaster waiting to happen,” and he was expected to find a menial low-paying job like the rest of the men of the neighborhood.

But Myers wanted more. He read voraciously, but hid this fact from his friends and family so he would not get picked on. A speech impediment was serious enough to prevent him from expressing himself, so he began to write. Not fitting in school, he eventually stopped going at all, and instead roamed the streets of Harlem.

Stuck in a dead-end job, Myers began to write, and a story was accepted for publication. Over the next decade, he established himself as a prolific and well-researched writer, who talks about his experiences growing up and what life was like in the neighborhoods where he grew up. Always pushing the envelope, Myers touched on controversial subjects, and published over 70 books.

An inspiration to many, Myer’s life is worth examining for the lessons in perseverance and on the craft of writing.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Black Cat, Vol 10

Yakubi, Kentaro. Black Cat, Vol 10. 2000. 192. ISBN 978-1-4215-1039-2. Available in the graphic novels section of the library.

Having survived the destruction of the castle in Black Cat, Vol. 9, Creed escaped thanks to Echidna’s chi power, and he comes up with a plan to bring Train into the Apostles of the Stars once and for all. Chronos, meanwhile, is gearing for war and activates all remaining members following the death of Beluga, who sacrificed himself to save Nizer.

Train, Sven, and Eve run into Charden and Kyoko, and the latter immediately falls in love with Train and begins pestering him with messages and requests. But soon, Sven and Eve fall in Creed’s hands, and Train must intervene to save them. Unfortunately, Creed shoots him with a nano-machine bullet that releases Creed’s secret weapon into Train’s blood stream. Can the Black Cat survive unscathed?

The story continues in Black Cat, Vol. 11.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Wiesel, Wisenthal, Klardsfeld: The Holocaust Survivors

Yeatts, Tabatha. Wiesel, Wisenthal, Klardsfeld: The Holocaust Survivors. 2015. 96p. ISBN 978-0-7660-6202-3. Available at 940.53 YEA on the library shelves.

There are no words that can accurately describe the Holocaust, yet for thousands of European Jews who survived the Holocaust they had to explain to themselves and to others the horrors they had encountered during the Second World War.

This book describes the aftermath of the War, from the liberation of the concentration camps to the reactions of soldiers and survivors. Victory in Europe and the resettlement of concentration camp victims is presented, and the trials of major Nazi figures conducted by the International War Crimes Tribunal are explained.

Liberation brought along new pains and suffering. Many victims were not able to adapt and committed suicide. Others moved to Israel and to the United States. Some shared their stories, while others were unable to relive the horrors they had gone through. Some, like Wiesenthal, dedicated themselves to hunting Nazi war criminals, while others, like Wiesel, wrote their stories to try to convey their experience.

Throughout it all, though, there remains the central idea that this shall be no more. We remember the Holocaust so that it never happens again. Other books in the series include Schindler, Wallenberg, Miep Gies: The Holocaust Heroes, Anti-Semitism and the “Final Solution”: The Holocaust Overview, and Warsaw, Lodz, Vilna: The Holocaust Ghettos. You can also consult Elie Wiesel's story of survival in a Nazi concentration camp in Night.