Monday, January 23, 2017

Black Cat, Vol 13

Yakubi, Kentaro. Black Cat, Vol 13. 2008. 192p. ISBN 9781421516042. Available in the graphic novels section of the library.

Train and Sven are goated on by Eve to pursue Creed and the Apostles of the Stars. Train then tells them both the story of how he and Saya met and lived a torrid love affair until Creed killed her. That relationship had already led Train to neglect his duties with Chronos, and Saya’s death causes a break between him and the Numbers.

In order to be successful, however, Sven tells Train that he will need time to train with his vision eye. He recruits Rinslet  to assist him. Meanwhile, Train and Eve report to the closet Sweeper club to gather information. There Train is challenged by River for the privilege of hunting and bringing down Creed. A man who only fights with his fists, River is fast enough to catch and deflect a bullet. Can Train survive this new challenger?

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