Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Night Gardener

Auxier, Jonathan. The Night Gardener. 2014. 350p. ISBN 1-41971144-X. Available at FIC AUX on the library shelves and as an audiobook on Overdrive.

Molly and Kip are desperate. The two Irish teens have suffered two tragedies, first the potato famine in Ireland, then the sinking of the ship they were traveling on. Fourteen-years-old Molly know that her parents did not survive the sinking, but she does everything she can to let ten-years-old Kip think they are still alive. Looking for employment and hoping to avoid the orphanage, Molly accepts employment with the Windsors, who reside in an isolated estate in the middle of the woods on an island in the river. They are to to take care of Mrs. Windsor, and her children.

Locals tell them to stay away, but it is the children’s last hope. The estate is crumbling and hasn’t been maintained in a number of years. A large tree grows oppressively close to the house, and in one location seems to disappear inside it. The Windsors are pale and sickly looking. Mrs. Windsor is tired. Six-years-old Penny wants to be told stories. Ten-years-old Alistair is always eating candy. Mr. Windsor is busy losing the family’s fortune in town, and rarely comes back to the house.

Soon Molly realizes that there is a creepy presence in the house. The tree itself is conscious and is cared for by a strange gaunt and thin man who wears a tall hat. The night gardener emerges when everyone is sleeping and collects the sweat of the residents’ nightmares to water the tree. Molly also discovers that the tree itself can grant wishes, such as an endless supply of candy, jewelry, money, and stories. The tree delivers letters from Molly’s father and mother, in her mother’s neat handwriting, describing improbable stories similar to those Molly has told Kip.

Kip, however, does not sleep in the house and doesn’t know about the wishing. He witnesses the physical and psychological costs that wishing brings on its victims. When he discovers six graves by the feet of the tree, he realizes that the death of the residents of Windsor Manor are at hand. Can Molly and Kip stop the Night Gardener and the tree before it’s too late?

Fans of Peter Nimble will enjoy this dark horror tale from Auxier and will appreciate his clever use of words and descriptions.

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