Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Spinale, Wendy. Everland. Book 1 of the Everland series. 2016. 312p. 535 mins. ISBN 9780545836944. Available as an audiobook from Overdrive.

In a bid for world domination, Katherine, Queen of Germany, ordered the destruction of London and the conquest of England. Unfortunately, the raid that destroyed the city also unleashed a deadly virus that is killing everyone in its path. The first victims of the Horologia virus were the adults, who quickly succumbed. This wiped out England’s defenders, but then the virus began affecting German troops as well, and now, a year later, only children are left living in the ruins of London, as well as a relatively small group of German soldiers. And all of them are affected. The Horologia virus affects girls faster than boys, but in the end all of them die a horrible death.

For the last year, sixteen-year-old Gwen Darling has survived with her two younger siblings, sister Joanna and and six-year-old brother Michael on the outskirts of London, now known as Everland. They have scavenged and sheltered from the Marauders, as the German soldiers are known, as their steam-powered machines have patrolled the remnants of the city looking for kids. Led by the vicious Captain Hanz Otto Oswald Kretschmer, otherwise known as Hook, and his second in command Smee, the Marauders seek children as they believe they hold the cure to the Horologia virus.

Hook has not received any news from Germany since the day he led the assault against London. And England’s allies never counterattacked. Hook, who happens to be the son of the German Queen, believes that the Horologia virus has spread beyond England and has infected the world. A cure for the disease would be priceless and would provide him the power of life or death over everyone. Working with a captured English scientist, Hook is feverishly looking for the one child rumored to be immune to the disease.

Having encountered no other survivors for the last year, Gwen is surprised one night during a scavenge run to discover that there are other children out there. Peter and his friend Bella tell her of a city of Lost Boys, where children have taken refuge. Meanwhile, Joanna is captured by the Marauders. Gwen decides to mount a rescue mission, but Peter convinces her to come with them to the city first, as Gwen shows no sign of having contracted the Horologia virus, unlike Joanne, Michael, Peter, or Bella.

As Gwen tries to rescue Bella while Hook attempts to get his hands on a cure for the Horologia virus, both of them may not have enough time to fulfill their goal. A retelling of Peter Pan, fans of Steampunk and dystopia will appreciate the gritty aspects of Everland and the ever climbing price Gwen will have to pay to save her sister, and all of the Lost Boys.

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