Monday, October 16, 2017


Poston, Ashley. Geekerella. 2017. 320p. ISBN 978-1-59474-947-6. Available at FIC POS on the library shelves.

In this modern-day retelling of Cinderella,Elle, whom only her stepmother call Danielle, lives in Charleston, South Carolina with her two wicked twin step-sisters, wicked Chloe and quiet Calliope. Her mother died when she was four, and she has only the vaguest memories. Robin Wittimer, her father, on the other hand, died a few years ago after remarrying with Catherine and her own two daughters, and now Elle is stuck in a house she technically own but with a guardian who doesn’t really care or love her.

Her parents were huge Starfield fans, and her father even founded ExcelsiCon in Atlanta. Following his death, however, Catherine has banished mentions of this hobby beneath the dignity of her ambitions. Elle is left with a blog where she discusses all things Starfield, and the hope of one day turning 18 and escaping her stepmother’s clutches. The twins, who are the same age, are just as bad at emotionally torturing Elle, always picking on her. Having set her up with one of the boys at the country club last year, Elle has sworn off any relationship. Working in a food truck painting like a pumpkin selling vegan fare, Elle is shocked that the remake of the new Starfield movie will feature Darien Freeman in the title role of Prince Carmindor. A teen heartthrob and star of the soap Seaside Cove, Darien is gorgeous but is nothing but a vapid star and Elle writes a devastating review of the announcement of the film cast on her blog.

Darien, meanwhile, is under the tight control of his manager father and is afraid he will not measure to the previous actor who occupied the role of the Prince. He has read Elle’s devastating review and knows it will be hard to convince the die-hard fans he is one of them. Informed by his handler that he will be participating on a panel at ExcelsiCon, Darien attempts to contact the organizers to cancel his appearance. He really hates conventions, especially after the major fight he had with Brian, whom he thought was his best friend but whom was in it only for the money. Looking on the con’s website, all he can find is a phone number for the founder.

When he texts it requesting to be removed from the panel, Elle is the one who receives the message. She inherited the phone when her father died. At first she doesn’t want to talk to the stranger, but soon she realizes they have a connection. They are both Starfield fans, and they both wish they were somewhere else. Since they are both virtual strangers, they open up in ways they never would have had they met. With the filming of the movie moving along and with the con getting closer every day, will Darien and Elle be able to connect and ignite their relationship before they discover they loathe each other’s public persona?

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