Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Magnificent Flying Baron Estate

Bower, Eric. The Magnificent Flying Baron Estate. 2017. 230p. ISBN 978-1-944995-13-3. Available at FIC BOW on the library shelves.

In 1891, every day is a surprise when your parents are inventors, and today is not any different for Waldo Baron, also known as W.B. Plagued with recurring dreams of his father inhabiting the body of a squirrel following a horrific experiment, W.B. discovers that his parents, McLaron, or P, and Sharon, or M, have transformed their residence, the Baron Estate, into a flying contraption capable of traveling cross-country. M and P are really excited and reveal that they plan on entering Hortense’s Tooth Power’s race, a flying competition across the country where participants will travel to exotic locales to gather specific items. The winner will earn $500, and P and M plan on using these funds to hire an assistant.

Poor W.B., all he wanted to do today was attend Sheriff Hoyt Graham and his deputy’s show of stunts and tricks in Pitchfork, but of course they’re no longer in Pitchfork as the house is already flying to Chicago, where the contest will start. Sheriff Graham is the best sheriff of the Arizona territory, and W.B. has read all of his books, and especially loves the tale about how Graham captured the notorious bandit Benedict Blackwood. Not only will he miss Sheriff Graham, but now he’s stuck on the Baron Estate along with Aunt Dorcas, who positively does not like flying!

In Chicago W.B. explores the city and meets Shorty, a no-nonsense girl who provides him with lunch. Upon returning to the Estate, he discovers that there’s a new passenger: Rose Blackwood, sister of Benedict. Rose is kidnapping P, M, and W.B. along with the Baron Estate. She plans on winning the race, then using the proceeds to free her notorious brother from jail. Unlike the rest of the Blackwood family, however, Rose turns out not to be as bloodthirsty nor ruthless.

As the kidnapper and her victims travel around the country pursued by other inventors also intent on winning, W.B. finds himself slowly falling in love with Rose, but continues to question her motives. Can W.B. help Rose accomplish her goal of truly being a member of a family?

Filled with steampunk inventions and laugh out loud humor, W.B.’s adventures and a cast of incredible characters will most assuredly entertain the reader. For a look at a girl’s adventure in the steampunk universe, consider Etiquette & Espionage. For a more serious look at steampunk war, take a look at Leviathan.

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