Monday, October 2, 2017

What Light

Asher, Jay. What Light. 2017. 250p. ISBN 978-1-59514-551-2. Available at FIC ASH on the library shelves.

Every year, Sierra and her parents head down to California, south of San Francisco, to sell Christmas trees from their farm in Oregon. Sierra has never known a white Christmas at home, but she relishes the adventures that take place one month a year. Leaving Rachel and Elizabeth, her best friends from Oregon, behind, Sierra reconnects with Heather, her best friend from California. This year, however, promises to be bittersweet. Sierra overheard her parents talking, and it looks like it makes no financial sense to return to their lot another year. Her junior year in high school might be the last she spends Christmas time in Oregon.

This year, Heather is insistent that Sierra should find a temporary boyfriend so that they could double date, given that Heather finds her current boyfriend to be uninspiring and plans to dump him, but not before the holidays. Sierra wants none of this, however. Her parents are very strict about dating local boys, as her father and mother met on this very lot years ago when her father and her grandfather used to come down and sell their trees. They know it’s hard to make such a relationship work, and they only want the best for Sierra. And Sierra is not that interested anyway.

But when she meets Caleb, she is intrigued. First off, he has a nice dimple. Second, he seems very mysterious. Heather tells Sierra that rumor has it that Caleb attempted to stab his sister a few years ago inside their homes, and that this sister no longer lives here in California. Despite this warning that Caleb might be dangerous, Sierra finds herself falling for him hard. When she discovers that he uses his tips from the restaurant where he works to purchase Christmas trees for folks who can’t afford him, her opinion of Caleb increases. How could a boy who do such nice things do the unspeakable? The more time she spends with Caleb, however, the more time Sierra realizes that Caleb is not only capable of doing such an action, but that is has clouded his entire existence. Can true love help Caleb find the courage to finally conquer his demons and redeem his life?

Fans of Sarah Dessen’s Lock and Key, Saint Anything and The Moon and More will enjoy this story of hope, love, and redemption.

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