Thursday, January 18, 2018

Wires and Nerve

Meyer, Marissa. Wires and Nerve. Part of the Lunar Chronicles series. 2017. 238p. ISBN 9781250078261. Available at FIC MEY on the library shelves.

With Cinder now the rightful queen of Luna, there is high hope that peace can finally be restored. However, many of Queen Levana’s wolf-hybrid soldiers have gone rogue and refuse to accept the order to return to Luna. They instead have disappeared, and they are striking Earth targets at random, keeping fear and terror alive.

With Lunar personnel suspect on Earth, Cinder decides to send Iko to chase down the wolf soldiers. In many respects, she’s the best person for the job. She’s as quick as a human, and is nearly indestructible. Plus, she can’t be mentally manipulated. Iko relishes the opportunity to prove that robots can be more than helpful servants.

The wolves are not as disorganized as they were. Alpha Steele, a former Operative, seeks to unite all wolves and take the war back to Cinder and Luna. Seeking a cure for their wolfness, the former Lunar soldiers come up with a simple plan: Capture Cinder and Kai at the upcoming Commonwealth ball.

Meanwhile Cinder’s other friends all have missions to accomplish on Earth, from delivering the Letimosis vaccine to negotiating agreements. But the wolf problem could throw everything in disarray.

This graphic novel explores Iko’s quest for humanity and her desire to escape the limitations of her programming. Cinder’s friends all appear in this book, but the story focuses on Iko and her development into a major character. Fans of the Lunar Chronicles will thoroughly enjoy watching their favorite characters move on the pages of this fast-paced book.

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