Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 2

Mochizuki, Jun. The Case Study of Vanitas, Vol. 2. 2017. 239. ISBN 978-0-316-47168-8. Available in the Graphic Novels section of the library.

Noé and Vanitas are now guests of Count Orlok after proving to him the power that the Book of the Vanitas grants Vanitas to remove the curse that afflict vampires. During a meeting with the Count, Noé tells the assemble individuals that he’s an archivist, a vampire with the ability to remember memories of other people simply by drinking their blood. He drinks Amelia’s blood and reveals that the Charlatan, the leader of a masked group resembling a carnival troupe, is behind the curse.

Dominique, the granddaughter of Noé’s teacher, interrupts the proceedings and informs Noé he needs to travel with her back to the Paris of vampires, across the Babel border. The vampires are holding a masquerade, and Dominique hopes to connect with Lord Ruthven, who is also investigating the curse-bearers. Vanitas follows, though he is only human. He reveals himself in front of the assembled participants, who promptly decide to bring him down for his impertinence. Amid the turmoil, however, several curse bearers manifest themselves, and even the Charlatan appears on the scene.

With the vampires in disarray and violence everywhere, will Noé manage to save Vanitas, or is Vanitas strong enough to protect himself?

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